Now offering many ways to qualify for our lowest rate. PACE Equity offers substantially reduced rate C-PACE financing for projects that are building to or have achieved a green building certification. Our CIRRUS program is one such certification, joined by many of the nation’s top green certifying bodies including LEED, Green Globes, Passive House, and Journey to Net Zero.
Green Building Certification
Owners working toward certifications from the following programs are automatically eligible for our lowest financing rates through our CIRRUS program.
- LEED (Silver or above) from USGBC
- Green Globes from GBI
- Journey to Net Zero from GBI
- Passive House design from Phius
- Passive House design from Passive House Institute
- Zero Energy Ready Homes (ZERH) from the Department of Energy
- Living Building Challenge from Living Future
CIRRUS Certification
Additionally, PACE Equity developed the unique CIRRUS Low Carbon green certification. This program focuses directly on energy and carbon emissions reduction in commercial real estate projects. Aside from other green building certifications, there are two compliance paths for CIRRUS Low Carbon – the Prescriptive and Performance paths.
PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD: This method includes a checklist of efficiency items that result in a an efficiency level of ASHRAE 90.1-2019 + 10%.
PERFORMANCE METHOD: This method requires an ASHRAE Appendix G building model (produced in-house by our Low Carbon Center of Excellence) showing a reduction of 8% less carbon than an ASHRAE 90.1 – 2016 baseline.
Ready to learn more? Our local Managing Directors can fill in the details. Schedule time now to discuss your current, upcoming, or recently completed project.