Industry Thought Leadership

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PERE Credit Interview with Executive Vice President Ethan Elser

Building Green: Profitability and Sustainability Go Hand in Hand 

Why ‘Energy Use Intensity’ Should be Part of Your Vocabulary

Many Compliance Path Options for CIRRUS

A Developer Strategy for Funding Building Performance Standards

Historic Redevelopment Pairs with PACE Equity

Don’t Choose between Efficiency and Low Cost: You Can Have It All

Las Vegas Hotel Goes All-In on CIRRUS Low Carbon

PACE Equity Financing Available in More States

Interview with James Reid from Investa Group on StorCo Storage and CIRRUS Low Carbon

Funding Building Performance Standards
with C-PACE

Compliance Paths: How Your Project Qualifies for a Substantially Lower Rate

Alternate Compliance Path: Phius Certification

Interview with Tyler Parbs from J. Jeffers & Co. on Colman Yards and CIRRUS Low Carbon

Lower Rates and the Design Guidance to Ensure You Qualify for Them

Interview with CIRRUS Low Carbon Client Taylor Smrikárova from Redesign, Inc.

Developers Hold the Key to a Lower Carbon Future