New construction, renovation & retroactive commercial financing
How C-PACE Works
Let’s boost your IRR & optimize your NOI
Case Studies & Closings
Customer satisfaction: 9.8 out of 10
“I experienced thorough and professional execution.
Our Approach to Financing

C-PACE Financing

Improves project returns

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Replaces higher cost mezzanine and equity capital

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long-term, fixed-rate, non-recourse financing with up to 30-year term

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Our High-Efficiency Building Option

PACE Equity offers an option for a green building certification to go along with your capital stack funding! Our CIRRUS Low Carbon financing includes a lower rate and a green building promotion package & building plaque when you build with a lower carbon design.

Lower rates for Lower Carbon

What is the CIRRUS Financing Program?


Design specification for energy efficiency

Green Building Certifications
Green Globes
Passive House
HERS Index
Living Building
Zero Energy Ready


Lower rates from PACE Equity

Lower Rates Arrow


Marketing & promotion package including building plaque

How does PACE Equity financing work?

What design changes will I have to make to qualify? (Answer: none)

Does this work with TIF, NMTC, or HTC? (Answer: yes)

Do I need to hire specialized consultants? (Answer: not when you work with us)

How much funding can I get? (Answer: we optimize the amount with in-house engineering)

Low Carbon in Las Vegas

PACE Equity provided $40 million in CIRRUS financing to Jackson-Shaw Company’s dual branded AC by Marriott & Element by Westin hotel. Learn how this hotel leveraged low carbon financing in the heart of Las Vegas.

There are 87 steps to execute C-PACE financing. Don't worry, we do all 87.

We offer a proven process, refined and perfected from years of experience. Let us manage your financing experience from end-to-end.

When everything else was complicated, PACE Equity
stood out as easy
David Crisafi
Principal, Ceres Enterprises
When everything else was complicated,
PACE Equity stood out as easy.
David Crisafi
Principal, Ceres Enterprises

Lenders: What you should know about C-PACE financing.

The Benefits, Answers and Potential of C-PACE Financing from a Lender’s Perspective.

Capacity & Impact


single project funding
$ 0 Million+
in committed capital
$ 0 Billion+
Our customer rating shows our passion for customers and their success
0 out of 10


metric tons of carbon emissions reduced
Over 0 Million
In total energy and operational savings
$ 0 Million
Equivalent to gasoline used to circumnavigate the earth 100,000 times by car